With December drawing to a close, and an embarrassing number of OAC Writers' Reserve Grant applications sent, and my first story ever accepted for publication finally in print (in
The Nashwaak Review), and a few hours already spent during my two weeks off work for Christmas/writing (mostly writing), I came back today from the café down the street where I do a lot of editing - currently, I'm well into Year Two of my battle with a story called "The Seven Confessions of Constable Tom Burford", from
Projections, and it's turned a corner this month - and I found an envelope in my mail from
NōD Magazine, the undergraduate English publication at the University of Calgary, to which I sent my very short story, "Respect" (since retitled "Funeral," though I may change it back now), in April, for their
Deface theme issue. Inside the envelope was no letter, no information slip, nor even a subscription order form, just this,

(great cover), with my story at the very bottom of the table of contents! I guess it launched in October, according to
their Facebook page.
I had inquired about the story by email, with no response, and was already sending it elsewhere (I have been for a while). What a great Christmas gift - much nicer than the "Please withdraw" emails I've now got to start sending. I'll be sure to send a thank you, too... a card, by lettermail, this time!
There are still submissions pending, and of course, the 15 stories that ought to make up
Projections aren't
all finished yet, but to my mind, this brings 2011 to a perfect ending. In my first year out there, I've published nine stories - seven from what will be my first book - and enjoyed the support of so many friends (over 100 of you on
my Facebook page), and colleagues, and, strangest of all, editors and "real" writers, who have published books and everything, who've welcomed me as one of their own - even when they've not accepted my work. Thank you all for a wonderful year, and have a great holiday. I'll be back in 2012!
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